📤Sending Transaction

The flow from crafting transactions to sending transactions is simple using the SDK. The process is divided into four steps:

  1. Creating a Transaction by providing a simple TransactionRequest.

  2. Signing the created Transaction.

  3. Proving the signed Transaction to get the shielded transaction (ZTransaction).

  4. Sending the proved transaction.

Creating Transaction

As mentioned before, creating transactions in zkFi can be done by creating TransactionRequest objects. Below is a transaction request to send 100 of WETH (asset id 65537) to vitalik.eth and pay gas fees in WETH:

import { Transaction } from '@zkfi-tech/transaction';
import { TransactionType, TransactionRequest } from '@zkfi-tech/shared-types';

const txReq: TransactionRequest = { 
    type: TransactionType.TRANSFER,
    assetIds: 65537,
    values: [100],
    feeAssetId: 65537,
    to: 'vitalik.eth',
    payload: '0x'

const tx: Transaction = await zkfi.createTransaction(txReq);

Signing Transaction

To authorize the created Transaction i.e tx above it needs to be signed by the owner. This is as simple as:

const signedTx: Transaction = await zkfi.signTransaction(tx);

Proving Transaction

Now, we need to prove this signed transaction to include ZK proof in it & hide all the sensitive fields. This too, is as simple as:

const ztx: ZTransaction = await zkfi.proveTransaction(signedTx);


The zkfi.proveTransaction(signedTx) returns a ZTransaction object which represent a shielded transaction. This is the object which represents a transaction to be execute on the Labyrinth protocol and hence is a very important piece. Here's what it contains:

struct ZTransaction {
    ZTransactionType txType;
    uint16 revokerId;
    uint256 addressTreeRoot;
    uint256 commitmentTreeRoot;
    uint256 feeData;
    uint248[] pubAssets;
    uint256[] nullifiers;
    uint256[] commitments;
    bytes proof;
    bytes[] noteMemos;
    bytes assetMemo;
    bytes complianceMemo;
    bytes targetData;
    bytes refundData;

txType: Type of transaction- DEPOSIT, TRANSFER, WITHDRAW, CONVERT

revokerId: Id of revoker used for this transaction. This will enable the selected revoker to decrypt this transaction details, but only once the deanonymisation request have been approved by the guardian network.

addressTreeRoot: Recent merkle root of address tree.

commitmentTreeRoot Recent merkle root of commitment tree.

feeData Packed fee data (20-byte paymaster address + 12-byte fee value)

pubAssets An array of encoded bytes (3 bytes assetId + 28 bytes asset value) for publicly spent assets. If the shielded transaction is coming through the bundler, the fee asset in which the bundler fee is paid to the paymaster, is the first element in this array.

nullifiers Revealed nullifiers of input/spent notes.

commitments New commitments of output notes to be inserted in the commitment merkle tree. This merkle tree holding all note commitments is used to create a proof of inclusion by a user attempting to spend a note on the Labyrinth protocol.

proof Abi encoded ZK proof used to prove the validity of the transaction along with obscuring sensitive transaction details, thus enforcing privacy!

noteMemos Memos for output notes. This is list of encrypted notes' fields for each note and can be decrypted by the owner of the notes.

assetMemo This is empty for non-TRANSFER transactions. For TRANSFER transactions,

this is encrypted assets using sender's key that were transferred to receiver. These can only be decrypted by the sender.

complianceMemo Encrypted compliance data that was created using compliance encryption key.

targetData Target address (first 20-bytes) for withdraw/adapter concatenated with any required payload.

refundData Refund address (first 32-byte) for public deposit to shielded account concatenated with refund memo.

Sending Transaction

By default, the transaction is crafted by the SDK such that DEPOSIT transactions are meant to be sent via your public wallet (which is a must for DEPOSIT since you are sending tokens to contract) and other types are meant to be sent via a bundler, which is recommended for privacy. However, you can override this behavior to send transactions other than DEPOSIT via the public wallet itself - but it will damage privacy and should be prevented. The shielded transaction can be used as input to the zkFi on-chain Pool contract by calling its transact() method:

function transact(ZTransaction memory ztx) external;

But before passing the TypeScript object ZTransaction to transact you have to convert it to input suitable for the contract. Doing so is as simple as calling ztx.toSolidityInput().

ZTransaction ztx = zkfi.proveTransaction(signedTx);
const poolContract = ...
const inp = ztx.toSolidityInput();
await poolContract.transact(inp);

Last updated